Frequently Asked Questions

Leila Farmhouse is 18 Km from Marrakech City Center

Check-in is from 2 pm, and check out is any time before 12 pm on the day of departure.

If needed, it will be our pleasure to arrange early or late departures. Please get in touch prior to your stay (extra fees may be applicable).

Yes, Leila Farmhouse has a free parking.

Yes, Leila Farmhouse has a private pool

The villa can accommodate up to 10 guests (flexibility for more guests can be prearranged with the Management). We accept group bookings only.

Children of all ages are welcome to stay provided they are accompanied by an adult (Additional beds, cots and baby chairs are available and can be provided free of charge)

Traditional Moroccan and continental breakfasts are served to our guests daily free of charge.

You can cancel your booking up to 48 hours before your arrival date via the following email address: [email protected] (See Terms & Conditions)

Terms of cancellation differ depending on the period of your booking to find this information you will need to refer to your confirmation of stay received at the time of booking.

Your reservation may be refunded according to the Terms & Conditions Policy.

We accept payment in cash or by debit/credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express) but not by cheque.

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